09 November 2017

Hoe het perfecte gezinnetje er moet uitzien!

Dinner and a movie! Gisteren ben ik met een paar BADASS mommies gaan kijken naar "A Bad Mom's Christmas", het vervolg op Bad Moms - een film over 3 overwerkte ondergeappricieerde mamas die er genoeg van hebben om aan het 'ideaalbeeld' te moeten voldoen!  De film voldeed aan onze verwachtingen alhoewel ik de eerste nog altijd beter vond maar het was zalig om even een 'break' te hebben in het midden van de week.

Dit gezegd zijnde is er inderdaad veel druk op de mama's om aan het ideaalbeeld te voldoen (wat dat ook moge zijn). We moeten na de bevalling direct weer ons pre-body terughebben, de kinderen moeten in het perfecte gezinnetje opgroeien waar alle gerechten met natuurlijke ingredienten bereid worden, waar er geen stofwolkje in het huis ligt, de mama's moeten een blitscarriere hebben, maar ook vrijwilligerswerk doen op school, de kinderen op tijd kunnen oppikken, kunstwerkjes met hen maken, en ze naar hun naschoolse activiteiten brengen, en we mogen natuurlijk niet vergeten dat de mama moet sporten en deel uitmaken van de PTO,....Ik word er zenuwachtig van als ik er nog maar aan denk.

Een goeie maand geleden (her)schreef ik een post over de ochtendroutine bij ons thuis. Onlangs schreef Jess opnieuw een leuke post over het ideaalbeeld van 'familie'.

Hieronder mijn herschreven versie....

We are a family who loves each other. We love each other in a messy, beautiful, broken, and together way. Sometimes that means making messes in the kitchen with spaghetti sauce finger prints on the glasses, and cabinets, and stains on the clothes. Sometimes it means trying to scrape together tiny remnants of sanity for bedtime routines. Sometimes it means kissing a dirty forehead as I tuck them in at night and thinking it’s okay, they’ll take a bath tomorrow.

In our family we fight. We argue about things. We say we’re sorry. We overreact and then we apologize. We take a minute in the other room to pull ourselves together (thank goodness for the lock on the bathroom door!). Some of us are more full of passion than others, and I take full ownership of my title as Queen (haha).

In our family we make mistakes. We hurt each other’s feelings and we are selfish sometimes. We say sorry and we forgive. We pull each other close and we love each other still.

In our family we encourage each other loudly and often; we are each other’s biggest fans.

In our family we get tired and grumpy. Sometimes we all feel that way at the same time which is not a pretty sight!

In our family we worry - I fully admit that I worry more than my husband. I worry about my job, the endless list of priorities, responsibilities, and projects.  And when we are tired we can get snappy with each other but we talk, and then we hug, and we remember that no matter what may come, we are up for the task and we are walking through it together.

In our family we do beach days, reading in front of the fire, and toasts with wine and root beer (yuk) and lemonade.

In our family we know we can’t control the future, but sometimes we try anyway.

In our family we love each other forever and ever and no matter what.

What if the miracle of family isn’t the perfect storybook fantasy we’ve been told? What if it isn’t a home of poised parenting and dust-free light fixtures? What if it isn’t a mom who never loses her cool and doesn’t mind crafts that involve scissors and glitter (absolutely hate glitter)? It could be that, but it isn’t always that.

What if the miracle of family is what we already have? What if it’s just us, exactly as we are today?

What if I, their mom, am exactly who I’m supposed to be…already? What if I’m actually damn good at this even when I feel like I’m not? What if even though I say the wrong the things sometimes, the thing that actually matters is that my heart burns and bleeds for them? My heart bleeds for them and my mind works for them…endless hours of worry and problem solving.

If they could see me inside-out they would never for a second doubt my love or doubt how amazing they are. My job as mom is to show them my insides as much as I possibly can. I’m never going to be a mom who volunteers at school all the time or talks softly when I’m mad. But I am me and I will show up every day with my whole heart. I will always say sorry when I get it wrong and I will always hug tight and hard and maybe too long.

What if the miracle of family is that it’s really really messy, but that’s what makes it beautiful? What if there isn’t a perfect personality for motherhood, but all of us are in fact just right for our own kids?

What if what often steals our joy is that we don’t feel like we are the “mother” we are supposed to be? We constantly feel like we need to work on this and work on that…and what if THAT is actually the filthiest lie of all?

What if we are okay exactly how we are, just like our kids are okay exactly as they are?

Whoever you are today, I salute you. WE ARE MOMS. WE ARE WHAT MOTHERHOOD IS “SUPPOSED” TO LOOK LIKE and our families are what family is supposed to look like.

If we love our kids then we are 99.9 percent already there.

Whether you are a working mom, a traveling mom, a stay-at-home mom, a baby wearing mom, a natural mom, a sensitive mom, a doesntputupwithanyshit mom, a not very maternal mom… IT DOESN’T MATTER…it doesn’t define us, we define IT.

We are good moms!

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