06 October 2020


 credit from wonderoak - edited by me.


I have a daughter who breathes fire. 

She is also sweet and kind and cuddly. She loves to hug and draws me pictures that are covered with "I love you's. 

But also, she is wild. She is untamed. She is fiery and fierce and stubborn. She erupts like a volcano, and she fights for her way like her life depends on it. 

I'm not gonna lie, sometimes I get tired. Sometimes I'd like her fire to stay quiet (particularly in a store, or after a long day at work). Sometimes I'd like her to be a follower not a leader (sorry). Sometimes I'd like to just not have this battle right now, for the love! Sometimes I just can't even. 

But here's the truth: I love her fire. I love it. I love that she's fierce and fiery and stubborn. I love that she's a leader not a follower. I love that she knows who she is. I love that she says what she thinks. I love that she's not scared. I love that she breathes fire. 

Even though (yes) I get tired. 

Every single day I tell myself that I will not tame her and I will not dim her light. Yes, I will teach her to manage her emotions. Yes, I will teach her to channel her passion in healthy ways. But I will not tame her. I will not cover her up or snuff her out. I will not teach her to be quiet or timid. 

The truth is that it took me a really long time to learn how to use my own voice and to speak up and to shake off rules I thought I had to follow. I had to learn to be fierce. 

My daughter, she was just born that way.

I'd be lying if I didn't say she wears me out sometimes, but I also be lying if I didn't say I absolutely love my firework, just the way she is.

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